Happy New Year from SCANCOR

Date :
January 1 2021
From :
Francisco "Chiqui" Ramirez

Though many will surely try, no one will really forget 2020. The impact of the pandemic on the SCANCOR community was the suspension of in-person meetings.

Our collective response was to shift to ZOOM mode and continue our weekly seminars. I am much indebted to all the invited who said yes and to all of our colleagues who showed up in different countries in different time zones to continue this terrific tradition of scholarly exchange. Winter and spring speaker schedules are set and posted in the SCANCOR website.

Lauren and I have struggled to figure out how to convey a message of hope, a second spring, if you will, even amidst a troublesome winter. We wanted a message of hope that would authentically reflect both our upbeat personas and our appreciation of the SCANCOR community. Then an end of the year letter from a close friend and colleague (and married to a Scandinavian woman to boot!) arrived. And, there it was in the last sentence of this letter, our message of hope in the words of Charles Dickens from A Christmas Carol:

“It is a fair, even-handed, noble adjustment of things, that while there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in this world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good-humor.”

We will continue to adjust. We will also continue to thrive with laughter and good humor.

Chiqui Ramirez
Director, Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research