Pauli Pakrinen
Pauli Pakarinen is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Stanford University in Graduate School of Education/ Scancor.
His research examines the intersection of professional work, technology, and expertise. Pauli conducts ethnographic observation, archival work, and interviews to develop new understandings on the role that expert knowledge – institutionalized in practitioners, organizations, and technologies – plays in intervening, transforming, and governing organizations, markets, and society. His research investigates this question typically in complex settings saturated with information, technology, and interdependencies – such as simulation rooms, central banks, and financial market. His ongoing research focuses on both coding elite as a profession designing and developing models, algorithms, and artificial intelligence, and how these technologies are transforming expert knowledge and work practices in financial services and regulation. Pauli holds Ph.D. in Organization and Management from Aalto University, Finland. Before joining Stanford, Pauli was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Research Center for Work, Technology, and Organization at Emlyon Business School, France.