The SCANCOR-Weatherhead Alumni Conference 2017
Thursday, May 11th 2017
→ Friday, May 12th 2017
Organizations, Institutions, and Nation-States

Organizations, Institutions, and Nation-States
Event schedule
Thursday, May 11th 2017
from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
10:00AM-11:00AM Roundtable: Organizational Theory and Transnationalism
Samuli Patala, Aalto University
Elena Raviola, Copenhagen Business School & University of Gothenburg
Antoinette Hetzler, Lund University
11:15AM-1:00PM Cross-Border Coordination
Tiina Ritvala, Aalto University
“Catalyzing Institutional Work: Building a Bridge over Troubled Waters”
Gunnar Fermann, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
“What can Foreign Policy Analysis Offer Research on National Reservations on the Use of Force (“Caveats”) in Coalition Operations?
Guro Refsum Sanden, Copenhagen Business School
“Discretionary Power on the Front Line: A Bottom-up Perspective on Corporate Language Management”
2:00PM-3:45PM Theorizing Institutions
Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, University of Gothenburg
“Translating New Ideas into the Field of Organizational Studies”
Dennis Jancsary, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
“The Role of Verbal and Visual Text in the Process of Institutionalization”
Samuli Patala, Aalto University
“Legitimacy under Institutional Change: How Incumbents Appropriate Clean Rhetoric for Dirty Technologies”
4:00PM-5:00PM Reflections on SCANCOR/Weatherhead 1.0
Seija Kulkki, Aalto University
Dennis Jancsary, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
Yamin Xie, Hanken School of Economics
Gunnar Fermann, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Friday, May 12th 2017
from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
11:00AM-12:15PM Organizations and Career Processes
Elena Raviola, Copenhagen Business School & University of Gothenburg
“When Professionals Meet the Crowd: A Study of Journalists Co-producing News with Readers”
Yamin Xie, Hanken School of Economics
“Why Are so Many COOs Promoted to CEO?”
1:45PM-3:30PM Negotiating Roles of Societal Sectors
Ivar Bleiklie, University of Bergen
“Some Assumptions about the Relationship between Higher Education, the Labor Market, Vocational Education and the Political System”
Seija Kulkki, Aalto University
“Forms of Social and Economic Value Creation and Co-evolutionary Structural Transformations”
Antoinette Hetzler, Lund University
“Decline of the Welfare State? Merging the Public and Private Sector”
3:45PM-5:00PM Roundtable: Organizations, Institutions, and Nation-States
Guro Refsum Sanden, Copenhagen Business School
Tiina Ritvala, Aalto University
Ivar Bleiklie, University of Bergen
Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, University of Gothenburg