SCANCOR Weatherhead Alumni Conference 2023
Thursday, May 4th 2023
→ Friday, May 5th 2023

Event schedule
Thursday, May 4th 2023
from 8:45 am to 5:15 pm
8:45AM-9:00AM Welcome
Frank Dobbin, Harvard University
9:00AM-10:30AM Session 1: The Corporation in Context
All presentations in Session 1 will be virtual.
Signe Vikkelsø, Copenhagen Business School
“Charting Corporate Governance Failures in Banking: On the Flux and Differentiation of Formal Organization”
Silviya Svejenova, Copenhagen Business School
“The Changing C-suite”
Christina Öberg, Karlstad University
“Piracy Entrepreneur”
10:40AM-12:40PM Session 2: The Firm’s Role in Society
All presentations in Session 2 will be virtual.
Markus Latzke, University of Applied Sciences Krems
“Career Shock in Long Term Care – Ongoing and Emerging Issues in the Context of Covid-19”
Anne Kovalainen, Turku School of Economics
“Platforms as Organizing Basis for new Professions”
Torkel Strömsten, Stockholm School of Economics
“Investigating Sustainability Control Practices to Foster More Decent Wages in Global Supply Chains: A Case Study on ‘living wage’ Implementation in the Fashion Industry”
Seija Kulkki, Aalto University
“New Roles of Firms in Societies?”
1:30PM-3:30PM Session 3: The Responsible Firm
All presentations in Session 3 will be in person.
Iiris Saittakari, Aalto University
“Keeping an Eye on the Green Horizon: Cities’ Chase to Attract Multinationals’ Investments to Implement their Carbon Neutrality Targets”
Juho Lindman, University of Gothenburg
Jukka Mäkinen, Estonian Business School
“Big Tech’s Power, Political Corporate Social Responsibility, and Regulation”
William Yao Degbey, University of Vaasa
“Customers Driving a Firm’s Responsible Innovation for Grand Challenges: A Co-active Issue-Selling Perspective”
3:45PM-5:15PM Session 4: Beyond the Corporation
All presentations in Session 4 will be in person.
Rolv Petter Amdam, BI Norwegian Business School
“The ILO way! The International Labour Organisation and Management Development in Developing Countries”
Carsten Greve, Copenhagen Business School
“Managing Public-private Partnerships”
Achim Oberg, University of Mannheim
“The (German) University System from an Organizational Field Perspective”
Friday, May 5th 2023
from 8:45 am to 4:45 pm
8:45AM-10:15AM Session 1: Culture and Environment
All presentations in Session 1 will be virtual.
Ida Lunde Jørgensen, Copenhagen Business School
“Canonizing and Subverting the Nation Through Art: National Culture Organizations and the Struggle for Hegemony”
Tiina Ritvala, Aalto University
“This is our New Home Base! A Comparative Case Study of Imaging Sustainable Headquarters of the Future”
Maria Ehrnström-Fuentes, Hanken School of Economics
“Reweaving the Web of Life: The Politics of Multispecies Organizing in Ecological Restoration”
10:30AM-12:30PM Session 2: Diversity and Equity
All presentations in Session 2 will be virtual.
Sarah Valdez, Linköping University and NYU Abu Dhabi
“Wasted Human Capital and Ethnic Enclaves”
Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, University of Gothenburg
“AI Enabling Diversity and Inclusion?”
Katharina Fellnhofer, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich
“Unraveling a Gender Myth: Discovering Methods to Enhance Intuition”
Elena Raviola, University of Gothenburg
“Entrepreneuring Imaginaries: Making a Fair Platform for Freelance Journalists”
Coauthor: Marta Gasparin, Copenhagen Business School
1:30PM-3:00PM Session 3: Gender in Action
All presentations in Session 3 will be in person.
Emilia Vähämaa, Hanken School of Economics
“Poor Performance and CEO Changes in Community Banks: The Role of Gender in Successions”
Sabina Nielsen, Copenhagen Business School
“Does Board Diversity Matter? The Impact of Actual and Perceived Human Capital Diversity on Board Process and Performance”
Giovanni Cardillo, University of Bologna
“Bank Lending, Political Connections, and the Role of Female Directors”
3:15PM-4:45PM Session 4: Wellness at Work
All presentations in Session 4 will be in person.
Siw Tone Innstrand, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
“Exploring Needs for Multilevel Interventions to Promote Mental Health in SMEs and Public Workplaces. Experience from the H-WORK Project”
Øivind Hagen, BI Norwegian Business School
“Stories of Adjustments and Hope: How the Pandemic took away the Future of Work, and how Newspapers Reconnected us with it”
Antoinette Hetzler, Lund University
“Disintegration of Traditional Professions and the Rise of New Professions within Wellness and Fitness”