SCANCOR-Weatherhead Alumni Conference 2019

Thursday, May 9th 2019
→ Friday, May 10th 2019

In Person Conference
Event schedule
Thursday, May 9th 2019

from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm

9:30AM-9:45AM Welcome: Jesper Strandgaard & Frank Dobbin

9:45AM-11:45AM Labor/Segmentation

Seppo Poutanen, University of Turku
“Digital Platform Work in the Intersection of Markets and Networks: Some Results from the Study of Finnish Upworkers”

Sarah Valdez, Linköping University
“Looking for Ethnic Enclaves in Europe: Evidence from Swedish Population Registers”

Frank Dobbin, Harvard University
“Faculty Diversity Programs: Best Practices and Worst”
By Frank Dobbin, Alexandra Kalev, Gal Deutsch, Leroy Gonsalves, and Kwan Woo Kim

Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, University of Gothenburg
Roberto Fernandez, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
“Blue and White-Collar Glass Ceilings”
by Roberto Fernandez, Tatiana Lebuzova & Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist

1:15PM-3:15PM Crossing Borders

Christina Öberg, Örebro University
“The Role of Social Ties for Post-M&A Customer Retention: The Case of Cross-Border Acquisitions among SMEs”

Juho Lindman, University of Gothenburg
“Blockchain-Based Electronic Identification: Cross-Country Comparison of Six Design Choices”

Carsten Greve, Copenhagen Business School
“How and why do International Organizations Develop Public-Private Partnership Policies?”

Seija Kulkki, Aalto University
“Changing Roles of Firms in Society: Societal Transformation through Local and Global Firm-Society Collaboration for Value Creation”

3:30PM-5:00PM Politics and Business

Torkel Strömsten, Stockholm School of Economics
“Sustainable and Fair Supply Chains? From Compliance to Self-regulation and Self-assessment. The Case of Fast Fashion”

Antoinette Hetzler, Lund University
“Regulating Financial Markets: In Whose Interest?”

Jukka Mäkinen, Aalto University
“Liberal Democracy and the Challenges of the Politicization of the Businesses”

Friday, May 10th 2019

from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm

9:30AM-11:00AM Nation/Identity

Jesper Strandgaard, Copenhagen Business School
“Inventing Culinary Heritage and Collective Identity”
by Sophie Marie Cappelen and Jesper Strandgaard, Copenhagen Business School

Tiina Ritvala, Aalto University
“The Stigma of being Foreign Revisited: The Struggle over Guggenheim Helsinki”
Co-authored with Rebecca Piekkari and Nina Granqvist, Aalto University, School of Business.

Guro Sanden, Aalborg University
“What’s Law got to do, got to do with it? Language Policy and Corporate Law in Norway”

11:15AM-12:45PM Trans/National

Katharina Fellnhofer, Lappeenranta University of Technology
“SeeRRI: Building Self-sustaining Research and Innovation Ecosystems in Europe through Responsible Research and Innovation”

Gunnar Fermann, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
“Accounting for Transnational Agency and Structure Within the State-centric Approach of Foreign Policy Analysis”

Jørgen Wettestad, The Fridtjof Nansen Institute
“The World Bank and the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition: Effective Governance Entrepreneurship?”

1:45PM-3:45PM Knowledge/Power

Dennis Jancsary, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business
“The Interlinking Theorization of Management Concepts: Cohesion and Semantic Equivalence in Management Knowledge”
Co-authored with Markus Höllerer, Renate Meyer and Vitaliano Barberio at WU Vienna.

Rolv Petter Amdam, BI Norwegian Business School
“Bringing Temporality in Organization Theory and History to the Study of Strategy Formation: Harvard Business School’s First International Strategy”
Co-authored with Gabriel Benito, BI Norwegian Business School.

Anne Kovalainen, University of Turku
“The Evaluation of Science in Austere Times in Europe: Words and Money”

Elin Lerum Boasson, University of Oslo
“Political Steering and Climate Policy: Exploring the Role of Garbage Can and Political Competition”

4:00PM-5:00PM Takeaways: Jesper Strandgaard & Frank Dobbin